About Me
I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Junhui Hou. I was also fortunate to work closely with Prof. Ying He from NTU and Prof. Wenping Wang from TAMU. Previously, I worked as a research intern guided by Prof. Runmin Cong. I received my B.Sc. degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology at Beijing Normal University.
- [2023.09] Two papers, NeuroGF for neural geodesics learning, UPIDet for cross-modal 3D object detection, got accepted by NeurIPS-2023.
- [2023.12] One paper, Cross-PCC for cross-modal image-assisted unsupervised 3D point cloud completion, got accepted by TMM.
- [2023.12] One paper, PointVST for self-supervised 3D point cloud backbone pre-training, got accepted by TVCG.
- [2024.06] One paper, SPCV for spatio-temporal structurization of dynamic 3D point cloud sequences, got accepted by TPAMI.
- [2024.09] One paper, Flatten Anything Model (FAM) for neural surface parameterization (UV unwrapping), got accepted by NeurIPS-2024.
The latest trend in the artificial intelligence era continues to blur the boundaries of different research domains and data modalities. In general, I have broad interests in developing deep learning models to solve various geometry, vision, and graphics problems.
My research during Ph.D. mainly includes the following tasks and topics:
- Geometric (Mesh, Point Cloud, Implicit Field) Computing and Modeling;
- Neural 3D Representation, Rendering, Reconstruction, and Generation;
- Multi-Modal (2D-3D, Visual-Geometric) Learning: Pre-training, Alignment, Fusion, Distillation.
I am particularly interested in Neuralized Geometry Processing, i.e., (1) (at the data level) exploring neural representations for geometric data; (2) (at the model level) replacing conventional geometric computation/optimization algorithms with more powerful neural architectures.
My current research concentrates on 3D Generative Models and AI for Games.
Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, CVM, VCIP, etc.
Journal Reviewer: TIP, TVCG, TCSVT, TITS, JSTARS, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Scientific Reports, Multimedia Systems, The Visual Computer, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware, etc.
Selected Publications
Yingzhi Tang, Qijian Zhang, Junhui Hou Pre-print | |
Yingzhi Tang, Qijian Zhang, Junhui Hou, Yebin Liu Pre-print |
Qijian Zhang, Libao Zhang, Wenqi Shi, Yue Liu GRSL 2018 | |
Qijian Zhang, Wenqi Shi, Libao Zhang, Yue Liu ICIP 2018 |